I am a young Australian Photographer. I have always had a passion for capturing special memories and moments in time. I count myself blessed to live in this country of far horizons and sweeping plains, of silvery dew spangled mornings and afternoons flooded in golden light. For my personal photography business, Clear Light Photography, I do family photos, weddings, model shoots, pet photography and many other things. In my earlier days with a camera, I spent most of my time photographing small details of Australia, things I found in the shed, yard, in my town, things close to my heart. I still enjoy photographing such things.
Solar Installation
36 AssetsFirst Nation Australian
1573 AssetsHandyman
114 AssetsQuality Coal Dust and Dirt
194 AssetsPrimary School
291 AssetsElectric Vehicles
176 AssetsTorres Strait Islander Family
270 AssetsTradie Dad
78 AssetsCattle Farmer
151 AssetsFamily Trip
127 AssetsFive Months Family
94 AssetsFour in a Family Session
151 AssetsFront Yard Family Lifestyle
117 AssetsIn the Pool
139 AssetsSpeech Therapy
99 AssetsEnergy and Power
501 AssetsWorimi Family
230 AssetsMessy Mum Life
120 AssetsRoad Trip
488 AssetsAboriginal Cousins - on Country
139 AssetsAboriginal Cousins - Footy
52 AssetsProperties for Sale
47 AssetsIn the Chook Yard
284 AssetsWater Play
106 AssetsDidgeridoo Player
67 AssetsThe Pool Fence
61 AssetsNDIS Provider
200 AssetsVines and Wines
361 AssetsRiverside Siblings
102 AssetsMiddle Aged Redhead
57 AssetsNetball and Footy Aboriginal Girls
68 AssetsRidgeline Silhouette
19 AssetsFirst Nation Australian Family
138 AssetsWorking From Home Mum
103 AssetsDreamtime Pregnancy
158 AssetsEight Month Old on Wonnarua Country
76 AssetsSwinging
130 AssetsFamily in the backyard and bushland
46 AssetsTrike Ride
86 AssetsFighting Fire
196 AssetsBushfire Burning
99 AssetsIllustrations of Australia
5 AssetsVideo
85 AssetsWe Will Remember our ANZACs
161 AssetsCotton Fields Back Home
29 AssetsSilos
146 AssetsMarsupials and Monotremes
54 AssetsBulrush Family Session
106 AssetsLumberjack
142 AssetsPreserving apricots
105 AssetsWindmill
78 AssetsKangaroos and Wallabies
40 AssetsClearview Family
57 AssetsTwo Kids Family
37 AssetsPhantom
45 AssetsCattle Grid
25 AssetsThree Dogs Three Sisters
46 AssetsPhysiotherapist
301 AssetsHydrotherapy
27 AssetsBees
180 AssetsSunflowers
64 AssetsFamily of three
86 AssetsFarm Afternoon
130 AssetsLizards
76 AssetsBusiness Women
87 AssetsGoing to Ballet
23 AssetsYoung Homeowners
41 AssetsDraw With Chalk
46 AssetsAustralia Day
91 AssetsMum and Kids at the Park
48 AssetsGardening at home
372 AssetsVisit Singleton
96 AssetsPortraits in Parkland
44 AssetsArtist in the Woods
174 AssetsSpeech Pathology
77 AssetsHard Cash
257 AssetsRetreat to a Country Farm
1390 AssetsYoung Musician
57 AssetsCloth Nappies
46 AssetsKelpie Pup
57 AssetsHands
140 AssetsTech
525 AssetsDonkey
37 AssetsHouse Plants
28 AssetsSeaside Scenes
1268 AssetsWooden toys
86 AssetsRubbish and Recycling
165 AssetsWorkers
466 AssetsPlaygrounds and parks
122 AssetsElectrician
55 AssetsLight and Glass
36 AssetsGoing Shopping
325 AssetsNative Blossoms
430 AssetsFirelight
119 AssetsA Warm Cuppa
49 AssetsBirds of a Feather
288 AssetsOut the Car Window
755 AssetsA Flag of Our Own
108 AssetsMusic Swirls
301 AssetsCars of all Colours
1322 AssetsAt a Cafe
35 AssetsSport
381 AssetsChristmas Lunch with Family
277 AssetsBeautiful Bushes and Trees
654 AssetsBicycle
97 AssetsWhen Snow Falls
12 AssetsMoss and Lichen
61 AssetsEssential Oils
18 AssetsFrost Filled Morning
40 AssetsStopping at the Petrol Station
32 AssetsBricks and Stones
41 AssetsAlong the Street
1719 AssetsNight on the Street
41 AssetsEyes and Glasses
62 AssetsWoolly Jumbucks
132 AssetsHair and Makeup
37 AssetsVoting and Politics
24 AssetsMailboxes
148 AssetsTap Water
35 AssetsBuildings and Architecture
1637 AssetsWattle Blossoms
177 AssetsGot a Horse
403 AssetsAround the Yard
785 AssetsPregnancy
184 AssetsThe Sky Above
89 AssetsBeautiful Grass
296 AssetsLocks and Keys
57 AssetsFrogs
34 AssetsThe Making of Food
241 AssetsMachinery
917 AssetsLandscape
3919 AssetsPlants and Flowers
1677 AssetsOdds and Ends and Bits and Pieces
162 AssetsSigns
970 AssetsPaddocks of Crops
492 AssetsFor the Love of Books
124 AssetsFungi
32 AssetsFences
256 AssetsLaHi Music
135 AssetsDoing the Washing
151 AssetsEaster Days
289 AssetsDoggy
280 AssetsTracks and Trains
483 AssetsLivestock
763 AssetsHorse Riding Lessons
86 AssetsSigns of a School
42 AssetsTools and building
94 AssetsHey Hay
134 AssetsAirports and Aeroplanes
55 AssetsFire Danger Rating
85 AssetsGoats
43 AssetsDown Under From Above
4262 AssetsHard Metal
15 AssetsRoadside Memorial
19 AssetsChicks
35 AssetsCat
13 AssetsAnimals
1992 AssetsAlice
98 AssetsJacaranda
265 AssetsYoung Drivers
93 AssetsWater Bottle
30 AssetsLet's Get Married
156 AssetsRabbits
44 AssetsBoot Scootin
56 AssetsOut of Focus
109 AssetsGrevillea
146 AssetsYonder cattle farm
173 AssetsBugs
62 AssetsBottlebrush
57 AssetsArt
113 AssetsPine
37 AssetsCrashed Car
69 AssetsChristmas is on the Way
427 AssetsSaleyards: Regional Livestock Exchange
18 AssetsHome Car Wash
58 AssetsLady Tradie: Painters
50 AssetsMy Country of Flooding Rains
768 AssetsCandy Canes!
30 AssetsMedical
381 AssetsUp Over the Hills 'Bushwalking'
119 AssetsJust Another Country Show
272 AssetsKicking Back around the Campfire
75 AssetsPlaydough
11 AssetsOvercast Autumn Family
31 AssetsOf a Mature Womans Day
289 AssetsFamily Portraits with Yellow Tones
36 AssetsChanging a Car Tyre
19 AssetsAussie Family on Their Farm
123 AssetsPurple Portraits
166 AssetsWheat
64 AssetsCovid
151 AssetsCouple Portraits
100 AssetsHomeschooling
149 AssetsAutumn
151 AssetsLand of Want
95 AssetsBarking up the Wrong Tree
39 AssetsFood and Drink
1362 AssetsVeggie box
59 AssetsOn the Barbie
112 AssetsHome Cooked Pizza
29 AssetsHome Grown Berries
54 AssetsHuntlee Hunter Valley
31 AssetsPort Macquarie
44 AssetsLakeside in the Hunter Valley
272 AssetsTalbingo
119 AssetsTocal Homestead
29 AssetsBlue Mountains Area
295 AssetsWoodville
62 AssetsLadies Well
125 AssetsCoolamon, NSW
334 AssetsNarromine
117 AssetsVictoria mostly Melbourne
213 AssetsLake Macquarie
158 AssetsKiama a Coastal Town
69 AssetsTabourie
250 AssetsNewborn
388 AssetsBaby 3 months plus
959 AssetsToddler
1273 AssetsPeople-Under Ten
2767 AssetsPeople-Ten to Seventeen
2058 AssetsYoung Adults
1507 AssetsPeople - Adulting Adults
3065 AssetsPeople in their Fifties
1035 AssetsMiddle Aged Couple
25 AssetsPeople over 60
406 AssetsWoman in her Seventies
97 AssetsPeople - Every Age
11151 Assets