I'm a rural-based, AIPP-accredited, professional photographer who is married to a farmer. I'm also a mother and my children inspire me to be the best I can be. My studio is in Darkan, in the Wheatbelt region of Western Australia. I love photographing people and life in rural communities. Because I also photograph for Australian Farm Albums I travel to different rural areas and photograph a variety of family farming operations.
Time Lapse Video
1 AssetsBuildings
75 AssetsIndustrial
77 Assetstechnology
149 Assetsbabies
107 AssetsWomen
1101 AssetsCouples
132 AssetsMen
558 AssetsInteriors
29 AssetsSports
466 AssetsArt and Craft
41 AssetsGardens
99 Assetsemotions
143 AssetsMusic
5 AssetsInteriors
1 AssetsChristmas
95 Assetsastrophotography
1 Assetsstudio portraits
6 Assetswater
141 Assetshands
86 AssetsTravel
395 AssetsHealth and Medical
147 AssetsRelationships
173 AssetsBusiness
22 AssetsSeniors
259 AssetsMachinery
134 AssetsPatterns and textures
17 AssetsPlaces
360 Assetsanimals
283 AssetsObjects
213 AssetsWorkers
376 AssetsNature
423 AssetsInfrastucture
214 AssetsLifestyle
2110 AssetsPeople
1993 AssetsChildren
1313 AssetsLandscapes
685 Assetsrural
1372 Assetsaerial
328 AssetsFood and Drink
140 AssetsVehicles
259 AssetsCoastal
492 AssetsSigns
139 AssetsPlants and Flowers
334 AssetsHouses
89 AssetsTeenagers
876 AssetsRoads
363 Assetsmacro
13 Assetsfamily
455 AssetsFarming
553 Assets