
Clare Seibel-Barnes
Singleton, NSW

I am a young Australian Photographer. I have always had a passion for capturing special memories and moments in time. I count myself blessed to live in this country of far horizons and sweeping plains, of silvery dew spangled mornings and afternoons flooded in golden light. For my personal photography business, Clear Light Photography, I do family photos, weddings, model shoots, pet photography and many other things. In my earlier days with a camera, I spent most of my time photographing small details of Australia, things I found in the shed, yard, in my town, things close to my heart. I still enjoy photographing such things.

All Latest Collections Collection :

Solar Installation

237 Assets

Nursery Garden

166 Assets

First Nation Australian

1596 Assets


114 Assets

Quality Coal Dust and Dirt

194 Assets

Primary School

291 Assets

Electric Vehicles

176 Assets

Torres Strait Islander Family

292 Assets

Tradie Dad

78 Assets

Cattle Farmer

152 Assets

Family Trip

127 Assets

Five Months Family

94 Assets

Four in a Family Session

151 Assets

Front Yard Family Lifestyle

117 Assets

In the Pool

152 Assets

Speech Therapy

156 Assets

Energy and Power

688 Assets

Worimi Family

230 Assets

Messy Mum Life

120 Assets

Road Trip

492 Assets

Aboriginal Cousins - on Country

139 Assets

Aboriginal Cousins - Footy

52 Assets

Properties for Sale

47 Assets

In the Chook Yard

284 Assets

Water Play

108 Assets

Didgeridoo Player

67 Assets

The Pool Fence

61 Assets

NDIS Provider

200 Assets

Vines and Wines

364 Assets

Riverside Siblings

102 Assets

Middle Aged Redhead

57 Assets

Netball and Footy Aboriginal Girls

68 Assets

Ridgeline Silhouette

19 Assets

First Nation Australian Family

138 Assets

Working From Home Mum

103 Assets

Dreamtime Pregnancy

158 Assets

Eight Month Old on Wonnarua Country

76 Assets


142 Assets

Family in the backyard and bushland

50 Assets

Trike Ride

86 Assets

Fighting Fire

196 Assets

Bushfire Burning

99 Assets

Illustrations of Australia

5 Assets


193 Assets

We Will Remember our ANZACs

162 Assets

Cotton Fields Back Home

29 Assets


146 Assets

Marsupials and Monotremes

55 Assets

Bulrush Family Session

106 Assets


142 Assets

Preserving apricots

105 Assets


78 Assets

Kangaroos and Wallabies

40 Assets

Clearview Family

57 Assets

Two Kids Family

37 Assets


45 Assets

Cattle Grid

25 Assets

Three Dogs Three Sisters

47 Assets


301 Assets


27 Assets


180 Assets


64 Assets

Family of three

86 Assets

Farm Afternoon

136 Assets


76 Assets

Business Women

113 Assets

Going to Ballet

23 Assets

Young Homeowners

41 Assets

Draw With Chalk

46 Assets

Australia Day

95 Assets

Mum and Kids at the Park

48 Assets

Gardening at home

382 Assets

Visit Singleton

96 Assets

Portraits in Parkland

44 Assets

Artist in the Woods

174 Assets

Speech Pathology

77 Assets

Hard Cash

257 Assets

Retreat to a Country Farm

1394 Assets

Young Musician

57 Assets

Cloth Nappies

46 Assets

Kelpie Pup

57 Assets


154 Assets


526 Assets


37 Assets

House Plants

28 Assets

Seaside Scenes

1330 Assets

Wooden toys

86 Assets

Rubbish and Recycling

167 Assets


617 Assets

Playgrounds and parks

122 Assets


55 Assets

Light and Glass

36 Assets

Going Shopping

341 Assets

Native Blossoms

441 Assets


119 Assets

A Warm Cuppa

49 Assets

Birds of a Feather

290 Assets

Out the Car Window

771 Assets

A Flag of Our Own

112 Assets

Music Swirls

317 Assets

Cars of all Colours

1341 Assets

At a Cafe

35 Assets


381 Assets

Christmas Lunch with Family

277 Assets

Beautiful Bushes and Trees

669 Assets


97 Assets

When Snow Falls

12 Assets

Moss and Lichen

61 Assets

Essential Oils

18 Assets

Frost Filled Morning

40 Assets

Stopping at the Petrol Station

38 Assets

Bricks and Stones

41 Assets

Along the Street

1726 Assets

Night on the Street

41 Assets

Eyes and Glasses

62 Assets

Woolly Jumbucks

132 Assets

Hair and Makeup

37 Assets

Voting and Politics

24 Assets


148 Assets

Tap Water

35 Assets

Buildings and Architecture

1692 Assets

Wattle Blossoms

177 Assets

Got a Horse

403 Assets

Around the Yard

790 Assets


184 Assets

The Sky Above

101 Assets

Beautiful Grass

296 Assets

Locks and Keys

57 Assets


42 Assets

The Making of Food

242 Assets


922 Assets


3998 Assets

Plants and Flowers

1795 Assets

Odds and Ends and Bits and Pieces

163 Assets


977 Assets

Paddocks of Crops

495 Assets

For the Love of Books

125 Assets


32 Assets


256 Assets

LaHi Music

135 Assets

Doing the Washing

151 Assets

Easter Days

289 Assets


281 Assets

Tracks and Trains

489 Assets


763 Assets

Horse Riding Lessons

86 Assets

Signs of a School

42 Assets

Tools and building

114 Assets

Hey Hay

134 Assets

Airports and Aeroplanes

55 Assets

Fire Danger Rating

85 Assets


43 Assets

Down Under From Above

4423 Assets

Hard Metal

15 Assets

Roadside Memorial

19 Assets


35 Assets


13 Assets


2005 Assets


99 Assets


266 Assets

Young Drivers

93 Assets

Water Bottle

30 Assets

Let's Get Married

156 Assets


44 Assets

Boot Scootin

56 Assets

Out of Focus

109 Assets


153 Assets

Yonder cattle farm

173 Assets


63 Assets


57 Assets


113 Assets


37 Assets

Crashed Car

69 Assets

Christmas is on the Way

432 Assets

Saleyards: Regional Livestock Exchange

18 Assets

Home Car Wash

58 Assets

Lady Tradie: Painters

50 Assets

My Country of Flooding Rains

772 Assets

Candy Canes!

30 Assets


381 Assets

Up Over the Hills 'Bushwalking'

119 Assets

Just Another Country Show

272 Assets

Kicking Back around the Campfire

76 Assets


11 Assets

Overcast Autumn Family

31 Assets

Of a Mature Womans Day

289 Assets

Family Portraits with Yellow Tones

36 Assets

Changing a Car Tyre

19 Assets

Aussie Family on Their Farm

123 Assets

Purple Portraits

166 Assets


64 Assets


151 Assets

Couple Portraits

100 Assets


149 Assets


151 Assets

Land of Want

95 Assets

Barking up the Wrong Tree

39 Assets

Food and Drink

1368 Assets

Veggie box

59 Assets

On the Barbie

113 Assets

Home Cooked Pizza

29 Assets

Home Grown Berries

54 Assets

Broke, NSW

10 Assets

Huntlee Hunter Valley

34 Assets

Port Macquarie

44 Assets

Lakeside in the Hunter Valley

273 Assets


119 Assets

Tocal Homestead

29 Assets

Blue Mountains Area

298 Assets


62 Assets

Ladies Well

126 Assets

Coolamon, NSW

335 Assets


117 Assets

Victoria mostly Melbourne

215 Assets

Lake Macquarie

209 Assets

Kiama a Coastal Town

69 Assets


250 Assets


388 Assets

Baby 3 months plus

959 Assets


1334 Assets

People-Under Ten

2820 Assets

People-Ten to Seventeen

2064 Assets

Young Adults

1508 Assets

People - Adulting Adults

3107 Assets

People in their Fifties

1035 Assets

Middle Aged Couple

25 Assets

People over 60

502 Assets

Woman in her Seventies

97 Assets

People - Every Age

11580 Assets